VRT Timing - Measure Tool

The measure tool is used to get the finish time for a boat that has been obscured by another boat.  

  1. Find your best guess of the finish frame for hidden boat.
  2. Look for a clearly visible reference point close to the head.
  3. Frame backward (or forward) until both the nose and reference point are both visible.
  4. Turn on the Measure tool by selecting the Measure checkbox in the upper right corner.
  5. Move the handles until the center of the black circle is on the nose, and the reference point is on the center of the red circle.
  6. Frame forward until the reference point crosses the newly draw red finish line.

Search for a reference point that is both close to the dragon boat head, and also visible close to the finish line (minimize the number of frames between the finish and #3). Note that this is not perfect, but provides a solid estimate.